Move to Netherlands

Waste Collection

In the Netherlands different municipalities follow different procedures and systems when disposing normal everyday garbage. However garden waste and other organic materials such as vegetables and fruit should be deposited in the provided green container ‘groenbak’.
On yearly basis municipalities all over the Netherlands publish a calendar with the time-table of the pick up dates and the addresses of the waste separation and recycling stations. In case you don’t have one it can be requested at the Municipality.

Other wastes have to be deposited at the waste separation stations. In general there are 6 different categories; wit glas (white glass), bont glas (coloured glass), papier en karton (paper and cardboard), drankkartons (drinking cardboard containers), blik (tins) and plastic flessen (plastic bottles).

Besides ‘papier en karton’ is collected once a month from along the curbside of the streets of the city. This service is ideal for all those who acquire considerable quantities of paper such as newspapers and magazines and do not wish to carry it themselves all the way to the waste separation station.

Chemical wastes such as paint, batteries and oil and other large household debris such as furniture, appliances and HiFi/computer equipment have to be disposed at the milieuparken (waste disposal stations).
Outdated medicines should be disposed of via pharmacies. Unwanted clothing can be disposed in special containers, generally placed by local organizations and most often located close to a shopping area.

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