Move to Netherlands

Registering with Geemente

Once you are in the Netherlands, and after applying for a residence permit, you must register with the local authorities (gemeente). It is advised to do this within five working days, even if you do net yet have a permanent address. You do not need to register with the municipal office if you intend to stay for less than four months.

You need to take with you:

  • valid passport
  • a legalized or ‘authenticated’ birth certificate*
  • a legalized or ‘authenticated’ marriage certificate* (in case you are married)
  • a proof indicating your address of residence in the Netherlands

* Both documents have to be legalized or ‘authenticated’ by the appropriate authorities or an apostille within the previous six months. The type of validation depends on the country the documents come from. It is advised to consult the Dutch embassy of country of origin for the exact type of legalization/authentication.

Don’t forget to ask for a proof of registration (uittreksel van de Gemeentelijke Basis Administratie, GBA)

Look for your gemeente

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