Move to Netherlands

Emergency Contacts

For expats living in the Netherlands, it is important to know who you should turn to when you are in emergent situations. A list of numbers you can call in case of an emergency.

The first Monday of each month at 12.00 noon emergency sirens are tested. Do not be alarmed. In the event of a real emergency, turn on your television or radio to a local station for further information. For general information about what to do in case of an emergency, visit

Emergency Numbers

112 is the emergency number for fire, police and ambulance (only to be used in cases of emergencies)


Police Stations

Police services 0900 8844 or visit (you will be connected to your local police station)


24-hour medical service

Family Doctor

020 – 592 3434

The Hague
070 – 346 9669

010 – 290 9888

Gooi, Almere, Amersfoort

0900 1515


For dentists

0900 821 2230

The Hague
070 – 311 0305

010 – 455 2155

You can always check for a list of after-hours emergency numbers on the local newspapers or by contacting your local pharmacy (apotheek).


24hr Veterinary Service

020 – 560 6360 

Amsterdam (after 15:30)
0900 9551 

The Hague (08:00 – 20:00)
070 – 325 5907 

The Hague (weekends)
070 – 311 0307 


Gas, electricity 24-hour number:

A 24-hour national number to call for any issues related to electricity, gas or meter problems.
0800 9009 


Useful numbers

The Netherlands country code is +31


ACCESS Counselling Service Network
0900 222 2377 

Parnassia (24hr) (Netherlands Association for Outpatients’ Mental Health Care)

The Hague
070 – 391 6391 


Sexual Abuse

020 – 611 6022 

The Hague
070 – 362 0496 

Other locations
0900 899 8411 

(Weekdays 09:00 – 23:00 / Weekends 15:00 – 23:00)


SOS Distress

Amsterdam (24hr)
020 – 675 7575 

The Hague (24hr)
070 – 345 4500 

Rotterdam (24hr)
010 – 436 2244 

Zoetermeer (20:00 – 02:00)
079 – 352 3737 

030 – 294 3344  

Important –  some of these organisations are run by persons who might not be able to communicate in English.   If you get an answering machine in Dutch, listen carefully for the numbers you need to press in order to transfer your call to an international operator. 



AIDS infoline
0900 204 2040 (in English, 14:00 – 22:00 weekdays)

Alcoholics Anonymous (24hr)
020 – 625 6057

A.A. Contacts
0900 500 2021 
020 – 625 6057 In English (24hr)   


Alcohol and Drug Abuse

Amsterdam (drugs, alcohol)
020 – 570 2325 

Amsterdam (drug advice clinic)
020 – 408 7777 

The Hague
070 – 391 7800 

Rotterdam (drugs, alcohol & clinic)
010 – 272 3300 


Battered Wives (mishandelde/bedreigde vrouwen)

These numbers will reach the crisis centres:

Amsterdam (09:00 – 23:00, Mon – Fri)
020 – 611 6022 

The Hague (24hr, everyday)
070 – 392 5774 

Rotterdam (24hr, everyday)
010 – 476 1680 

Child Line (02:00 – 20:00 everyday)
0800 0432 


Drugs Advice Clinic

020 – 570 2355

The Hague Parnassia
070 – 391 7800 


Lost Property (gevonden voorwerpen)

Credit Cards

0800 – 0313 

030 – 283 5555 

Giro Pass/Giros (24hr)
058 – 212 6000 

Visa Card issued inside NL
020 – 660 0611 

Visa Card issued outside NL
0800 022 4176 

020 – 504 8000 

Amex (after 20:00 and weekends)
020 – 504 8666 


In a taxi (lost Property)

020 – 677 7777

The Hague
070 – 317 8877 

010 – 462 6060 


In public transport or places (lost Property)
0900 9292 


Embassies and Consulates

Check the following website for the Embassies and Consulates in the Netherlands:

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