Move to Netherlands

Travelling with Pets

The EU Pet Passport was introduced in 2004, updated in 2014 and allows domestic animals (dogs, cats and ferrets) to travel freely around the countries of the EU. The passport is uniform in all EU countries and contains specific information about Travelling with Pets:

  • identification number
  • proof of valid vaccine against the rabies virus
  • Certain countries have additional requirements

Travelling with pets with an EU Pet Passport
Pet owners must provide a valid EU Passport if they are travelling with Pets to The Netherlands. Animals do not have to be treated for ticks or tapeworms and there aren’t any other veterinary requirements for pet dogs, cats and ferrets entering the country for non-commercial reasons. If the animal has been administered the rabies vaccine for the first time, then it must wait for 21 days before entering the Netherlands. On the other hand, booster injections do not require additional time as long as there is a proof that the booster was applied before the last vaccine had expired.
Moreover there are not yet standardized EU requirements for the movement of non-commercial animals (rabbits, small rodents, birds, fish and amphibians and reptiles). In many cases, an official health certificate issued by the vet is enough. However it is stronlgy recommended to consult your local Dutch Embassy or consulate to check the latest regulations. More info:Dutch diplomatic mission portal

Moving Pets to the Netherlands from outside the European Union

In principle no quarantine is required for cats, dogs and ferrets if you submit a health certificate and rabies vaccination certificate.
The health certificate must be issued by your local certified veterinary and must be dated not more than 10 days prior to departure from the country of residence.
The rabies vaccination certificate must be issued by your local certified veterinary and must contain the following information:

  • a proof (in English or Dutch) that the animal has been inoculated with an official inspected and approved rabies vaccine;
  • date of vaccination;
  • type of vaccine used and expiration date, the name of the manufacturer and the manufacturer’s batch number;
  • owners details.

The vaccination of your pet must be given at least 21 days and not more than one year prior to travelling with pets into the Netherlands. Puppies less than 12 weeks of age are permitted to travel to the Netherlands without prior inoculations against rabies, but the pet must have a health certificate. If it is not possible to inoculate your pet before departing to the Netherlands, a veterinary can inoculate the animal at the airport in Amsterdam. In that event the animal must be held in quarantine at home for 30 days after the shot was administrated.

We strongly advise you to consult your local Dutch Embassy or consulate to check the latest regulations. Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Dutch diplomatic mission portal

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